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10 Ways to Keep the Love Alive in a Long-Distance Relationship

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Long-distance relationships are difficult, but with the right communication, it can be done.

If you and your partner have decided to take the leap and start living apart, then you need to make sure that you maintain an open line of communication if you want to keep the love alive.

Here are 10 ways to keep love alive in a long-distance relationship.

1. Put in Extra Effort

The best thing you can do is make sure you put in extra effort, even when it's not easy.

A long-distance relationship takes work and that means making time for phone calls, email messages, postcards, or just one really nice video chat.

Sending someone something they might have mentioned once like their favorite sneaker or remembering exactly what they said about their hometown will go miles toward reminding them how important they are to you.

Finally, don't forget to find ways to spend quality time together when your schedules allow. Remember that sometimes you need to be apart so that the love between you grows stronger than ever before!

2. Show Gratitude for Anything(Even Small Things)

One of the simplest ways to put effort into your relationship is by being grateful for everything.

Taking time each day to write down things you appreciate about your partner will help you stay on track and avoid getting frustrated or complacent.

Think about how they make you feel, how they look at you, how much joy they bring into your life and any other unselfish act that comes naturally to them.

When we're far away from our partners, it's easy to take them for granted and not really notice all the good things they do.

Gratitude forces us to acknowledge what's going well and helps us recognize when we need a change.

If your long-distance relationship has been taking a toll lately, start listing the reasons why you love this person. What was it that made you fall for them? Was it their sense of humor? The way they always complimented you?

Once you can pinpoint these qualities, use those as guidelines to identify and foster more of those qualities within yourself.

You'll find there are plenty of opportunities and reasons you should continue loving him/her.

3. Write Letters

Writing and sending love quotes and memories to your partner when you're both far away is very important in maintaining and keeping the relationship alive.

And below are some of the words you can be thinking of and sending to your loved one using any messaging platform or app.

"Since I'm so far away from you, these things might be harder for me. I wanted to let you know that it is possible for us to stay connected and make this work, even when we're not close enough physically.

You'll always be on my mind and I'll always love you, [Enter the name of your partner]. I hope you know that no matter how hard this is if there's one thing I know for sure then it's that distance doesn't define us.

Distance has never stopped us before. It won't stop us now. I'll always cherish our memories together, no matter how much time passes between them.

When we're reunited again someday, I want to remember every moment with you. And when that day comes, it will feel like no time at all had passed. You are my best friend and confidant - don't forget that I truly love you".

It's also important to send text messages throughout the day, especially after big events like birthdays or anniversaries.

Sending I love you texts during the week is also really nice.

4. Reminisce and Reflect on Each Other

Share your favorite memories with one another. Reminisce about past times you had together and replay those memories over and over again.

Watch movies, listen to music, or go out on dates with each other again so that you can feel just as close even if it is not actually happening in person. Technology made this possible today!

Skype, Zoom call, video chat on Whatsapp—do anything that helps keep you connected. Remember, though, that sometimes distance does have its benefits.

For example, a time when someone has an extra long day at work or has been looking forward to their vacation for months. Just make sure to always prioritize talking on the phone!

You should try to talk every night before bedtime, or at least every Sunday evening before bedtime. Do it as often as your schedules permit.

5. Give Space

Separating from your loved one can be difficult, no matter the reason. From business trips to overseas military deployment, it's easy for time and distance to become a source of constant stress for couples.

However, there are many ways to help you maintain your love during these times.
The key is giving each other space while still maintaining communication with each other.

For example, let your partner know when you will call so they can avoid having any distractions at that time.

They may also need space during their day as well so try not to call them too early or late in the day either.

If possible, find ways to visit each other on weekends or holidays but don't forget about Skype or video calls! You could also consider setting up a weekly video chat with your loved one through an app like Zoom.

It doesn't have to be long--just enough to see each other and say hello every week.

6. Compliment and Give Affirmation

It can be tough, but if you're able to find just one thing that you like about him every day, your mood will improve and your attitude will become more positive.

All you have to do is take out time every day--before your busy day begins--to write down one thing that makes you feel thankful for him.

You'll soon see how much he truly means to you! The love is still there - it's just harder to focus on it when there are so many other things going on in life.

The key is to consciously make time for each other, even if that means making a phone call or sending a text message while you're eating breakfast or doing your chores.

Remember that a little goes a long way! One of the biggest mistakes people make in their relationships is trying to always change their partner.

Distance shouldn't be the reason to change your partner for you don't even know what happens after doing so.

Anything could happen afterward to put you both again in a distance relationship. Your best advice is to work harder on your emotions to keep the relationship alive.

7. Make Video Calls

One way you can stay connected while still giving your partner some space is by video chatting through Whatsapp, Zoom, or Skype.

All you need is an internet connection and an iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, or PC. While this will be more like talking on the phone than meeting face-to-face, it can feel just as intimate if you keep in mind what’s actually happening.

You'll be able to see their facial expressions, watch them laugh or smile, and tell when they're feeling sad.

And all of these things will give you an idea of how they're feeling that you may not have been able to get from simply hearing their voice over the phone.

Plus, when you miss each other the most, it's nice to be able to spend some time together even if only virtually. It can help you both feel closer and remind yourselves why being apart is worth it.

8. Schedule Dates/Weekends Away

Taking a break from your day-to-day routine is not only refreshing but can help you and your partner experience new things together.

Setting aside specific days and weekends for spending time with one another can also serve as markers for you to look forward to, which will make your separation more bearable.

If this doesn't work for you, try going on vacation somewhere close to where your significant other lives. It may be expensive at first, but it'll be worth it in the long run!

Plus, if you plan ahead, you can save up some money so that when the time comes for your vacation, all you have to do is book it!

Vacations are a great way to get some space away from home and reconnect with each other.

A vacation doesn't have to be just once or twice a year-- it can be every few months! Traveling together does not have to involve any expensive means; it can mean planning road trips or walking to beautiful places around.

Even if you don't live close by, taking long drives to see each other could be worth it. You could always explore fun local attractions when visiting one another or take your significant other on tours of the city they are living in.

9. Trust God and Listen To Him First

God created us, so He knows us and understands us better than anyone else. The best way to keep your love alive is by trusting God and listening to Him first.

Take advantage of his guidance as you are planning your relationship, and let him lead you on this journey.

Surround yourself with people who will love both of you as well as stay out of your business when it comes to all things emotional and sexual.

Remember that sometimes what seems like a perfect solution isn't really. Have patience with each other and remind yourselves why you fell in love, to begin with.

Stay committed to your values and spend time together, even if it's just over WhatsApp calls or Skype. Make sure that there's no rush for sex or physical contact because this can be what ends the distance rather quickly!

10. Go Out of Your Way For Each Other

This is one of the best ways to show your partner that you are really trying and still care.

Plan something fun or thoughtful, such as preparing their favorite meals and inviting them to enjoy themselves together with you as you show signs of missing their presence.

This will make your partner feel appreciated, cared for, and loved. It also shows how much they mean to you.

For example, if it's Valentine's Day and your partner lives far away from you, send them flowers at work so they can enjoy the love even when they're not with you.

They'll appreciate it so much more because it shows that you put effort into thinking about what would make them happy rather than just buying anything off the shelf.

And don't forget to talk on the phone! Hearing each other's voices and hearing someone say I miss you always makes everything better.

If you want to learn about the stages in a long distance-relationship, click here to read it.

Also, don't forget to comment and share your ideas below as well as share with friends and family to interact with us.

Thanks for your time.

Posted : 06/09/2022 4:53 pm
Evans Andoh reacted
Posts: 703
Noble Member

Waaoh this article is very interesting, 

Please you have made my day.

Posted : 06/09/2022 7:53 pm
Posts: 14
Eminent Member Admin
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@evans-andoh thanks for showing interest in the article.

Posted : 06/09/2022 8:02 pm